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Get ready to elevate your weekend with our exclusive cannabis deals! Enjoy up to 30% off on a wide selection of your favorite products. Whether you're looking to unwind or enhance your experience, we've got something for everyone!
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For a limited time buy any tincture and get a second tincture 30% off. Deal can not be combined or stacked with other deals or offers.
This tincture is one part THC, one part CBG, and 10 parts CBD and is a fast acting way to allow cannabanoids into your bloodsteam. This tincture has a high dose of CBG, which has been shown to help with inflammation and pain. This blend is great for patients seeking the fullest extent of benefits from CBD and CBG as the low dose of THC will help your brains endocannabanoid system more fully absorb them. The liquid dropper allows for easy and accurate dosing anywhere.
Ingredients: MCT oil, Phytocannabinoids
Extracted by: Ethanol
Total THC | 391.21 mg (1.35%) |
Total CBD | 2,982.94 mg (10.29%) |
Total CBC | 138.62 mg (0.48%) |
Total CBG | 357.57 mg (1.23%) |
Expires | 12/30/2026 |
Tinctures use an alcohol base to create a highly concentrated liquid cannabis extract. Tinctures are best absorbed under the tongue where they can easily enter the bloodstream. Liquid droppers are used to dose the amount of cannabis being consumed. The effects from tinctures are felt quicker than edibles, but not as quick as inhalation and it is best to avoid eating or drinking for 10 minutes following administration. New patients are advised to start with a small amount (0.1ml-0.25ml) and increase dosage every 3 days until desired effects are felt.